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Why is it so important to clean my gutters?

Properly functioning gutters, leaders and downspouts collect rainwater from your rooftop and move the water away from your home or commercial building. In order for gutter systems to function properly, they must be free of debris. Clean, functioning gutter systems prevent water from penetrating your rooftop and causing structural damage to your home, building, or foundation.

How frequently should I clean my gutters?

Gutters need to be cleaned on a regular basis in order to protect your home or building from potential water damage. The following is the gutter cleaning schedule we recommend you follow within a calendar year:March: This is typically the best time to clear out all winter debris, branches, and dirt from the gutters and re-nail them in order to be prepared for heavy rain season in April.
June: This is the time to clear out debris such as ragweed, oak tassels, seed pods, and “helicopters” from the gutters to keep them from clogging up.
August: Gutters should be cleaned at this time to remove debris caused by summer thunderstorms and wind storms.
October, November & December: Gutters should be cleaned three times during the Fall season before the winter freeze in order to remove the large volumes of leaves which create many clogs and blockages.At Torri Gutters & Downspouts, we will keep your gutters clean and functioning properly!

Do I need to be home while my gutters are being cleaned?

No! You can relax and go about your day. After you have scheduled a time for us to clean your gutters, we will per-form the work, finish the job, inspect for quality, and leave you with a receipt. It’s that easy!